Why We Created Optimise

Making the provision of PPE easier, faster and more reliable than ever.

After 35 years in the business we’ve heard it all. You’ve told us all about all the stresses, surprises, unexpected costs and miscommunications that just seem to be part of ensuring multiple teams in multiple locations are on spec and safe. Workwear procurement seems to involve decades of experience, the ability to keep tabs on ever moving targets plus a sizey amount of finger-in-the-air prediction. It’s a delicate balancing act between not blowing a budget and ensuring that all your teams are actually getting the protection that they legally deserve (get the latest on today’s top avoidable workplace accidents in our blog right here). And all the while being worryingly on the hook for your team’s safety. Procurement is – you could say – tougher than it really ought to be.

That’s why we created Optimise. Optimise is our unique online ordering system and we think you’ll love it. It has the power to not only eliminate your worries of non-compliance but makes the whole process of procuring kit easier, faster and more reliable than ever. It places you in control, able to set budgets, see spends and always know that the right people are getting the right kit exactly when they need it. 

Start Here

Getting started with Optimise couldn’t be simpler. Our friendly team here at Safpro do all the hard work. We listen to what you need, ask the right questions, suggest options and then custom build a unique online portal just for you. It takes just a few days. Once up and running, your portal is accessible from any web browser on any device and your team will be able to perform powerful tasks that you define person by person. 

With unique IDs and passwords you’ll always know who is doing, knowing or ordering what. You can give access to as many of your team as you like, each with different powers and budgets. Some may only be able to browse the products available and will refer their needs further up the chain. Others can place orders, conceivably from the entire Safpro range, or more likely pick from a range of products that you’ve defined. (No more spurious orders for kit you didn’t know you needed...) You can choose to approve every order that’s placed, or place your managers in charge of budgets and let them get on with equipping great kit, knowing that overspend is impossible.

Safpro composite

Relax. With Optimise your team are empowered to get the job done without intervention. Budgets can be checked or amended in seconds. Reordering your staples is a snap. Each employee’s sizes and needs are right there on the system. And it will even suggest when they need replacing. Optimise is an end to overspend, the arrival of kit that nobody seemed to ask for and all that gear that somehow just seems to evaporate immediately after delivery.

Custom Kit Delivery

And we deliver exactly how you want to receive. We can deliver as Optimise Stock – a single grouped order to a single location – your main HQ stockroom for example. Or we can deliver as Optimise Pack – our unique ‘man pack’ where kit is sent directly to an individual in a package with their name on. Relax knowing that your worker actually got the gloves, boots, and first aid kit you spec’d. And then know when it’s time to reorder them a set of replacements.

Instead of thumbing through a catalogue, completing forms in a minefield of part numbers and quantities (with the inevitable errors that result) and then trusting the whole lot to a backroom piled high with paper, placing new orders on Optimise is accomplished with a few clicks. It’s easy, accurate, fast... even fun. Once you’ve tried it we guarantee you won’t want to go back.

So why not talk to our friendly experts today and discover Optimise? We’re ready and waiting to walk you through the system, show you what’s possible and how you can make Optimise all your own. It’ll take less than an hour. Give Safpro a call and let us help you kiss your PPE worries goodbye.

We’d love to show you Optimise. Contact us for a quick and easy demo at sales@safpro.co.uk or telephone us for more info on 01452 529 050.